Posted on May 16th, 2018

This is a very busy time in world of health care policy and legislation. The House of Representatives recently passed the American Health Care Act sending the bill to the Senate for consideration. Shortly after, May 6-9, 2017, The American College of Surgeons (ACS) held their annual Leadership and Advocacy Summit in Washington DC. I attended because I believe it is important for citizens to participate in their government and doctors to participate in health care policy.

The ACS has four principles regarding health care reform.

Quality and safety.
Appropriate and timely access to care.
Reduction of health care costs.
Medical liability reform.
The meeting attracted about 450 surgeons who are keenly interested in making a difference in behalf of our patients with lawmakers. Through advocacy, we learn more of the challenges the politicians face in Washington. In turn, lawmakers learn more about the challenges doctors face everyday in providing health care to our patients.

Dr. Chengelis was proud to visit Capitol Hill on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, with fellow Michigan surgeons. They were received quite warmly by both Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, each taking several minutes to listen to our concerns. Then they broke into smaller groups and visited our Representatives from Michigan. Dr. Chengelis Had good discussions with the staff from the offices of Rep. Conyers, Dingell and Trott.

To learn more of current bills in Congress and the position of the ACS visit this link.

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Contact Dr. David L Chengelis, MD, FACS
